Best VCE Students, Ranked by H.A. Count, Victoria, 2018

Filtered by School Name

Below is the list of the best VCE students in 2018 ranked in order of their total number of High Achiever awards.

The rankings can be ordered by each student's total number of awards (ranking by Count) or by the numeric values of the scores (ranking by Scores).

Rankings within a school or subject can be viewed by filtering on the school or subject name.

Where students have equal study scores, entries are listed alphabetically.

Note that because this report excludes all study scores that are below 40, it does not differentiate between students who have equal sets of 40+ scores but different overall study results.

83 of 83 entries are shown.
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1 FERNANDO, Jared Lyon Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 5 49,47,42,42,41
2 FINDLAY, Emma Louise Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 5 45,44,43,42,41
3 FAULKNER, Samantha Emily Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 4 50,47,47,41
4 TOSKOV, Jason Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 4 50,46,42,42
5 LI, Borui Eric Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 4 46,44,44,41
6 HAYDON, Blake Anton Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 4 46,43,42,41
7 ADAMS, Benjamin Matthew John Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 4 46,42,42,40
8 BOELL, Ethan David Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 4 45,45,43,43
9 KENT, Beau Joon Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 4 43,43,42,41
10 HUANG, Haolin Hollis Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 3 50,48,46
11 RANATUNGE, Ishra Vihari Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 3 48,47,40
12 XU, Angelina Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 3 46,44,41
13 YANG, Jerry Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 3 46,40,40
14 WILLIAMS, Rachel Elizabeth Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 3 45,44,43
15 NORRIS, Eve Raine Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 3 45,43,40
16 HOLMES, Joshua James Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 3 45,42,40
17 READMAN, Sophie Lilian Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 3 45,41,40
18 NG, Darren Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 3 44,43,42
19 CUTHBERT, Isobel Hannah Jean Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 3 44,43,40
20 NORTHWOOD, Ella Darcy Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 3 44,43,40
21 SAMMANN, Max Thomas Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2 49,46
22 GRANT, Nicola Grace Louey Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2 48,40
23 SIVARATNAM, Shyan Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2 47,46
24 TONG, Shengbang Peter Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2 47,45
25 GUPTA, Kishan Rea Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2 47,40
26 KEANE, Daniel Francis Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2 46,44
27 RIESCHIECK, Alisha Martha Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2 44,44
28 BERGAMO, Kiara Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2 44,43
29 QUARTERMAIN, Caroline Louise Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2 43,42
30 NICHOLLS, Zara Bewelly Jean Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2 43,41
31 BURCHETT, Kaela May Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2 42,41
32 FAYLE, Emma Louise Harris Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2 41,41
33 HUANG, Chih-Yi Shirley Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2 41,40
34 LIMON-MEEHAN, Lucas Cameron Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2 41,40
35 REYNOLDSON-ROSS, Lauren Emma Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2 41,40
36 RENNIE, Madeline Jayne Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 2 40,40
37 SHI, Yuhan Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 47
38 YU, Shunli Leo Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 47
39 GEORGE, Hayley Isabelle Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 46
40 MAKELA, Tuomas Gerard Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 46
41 PHUAH, Madison Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 46
42 DE WAARD, Madeleine Louise Anna Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 45
43 KOVACS, Bence Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 45
44 DE WAARD, Joshua William Rasing Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 44
45 GRECO, Antonio Jack Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 44
46 COX, Cooper Thomas Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 43
47 DARE, Phoebe Louise Sarah Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 43
48 KAKOLYRIS, Paige Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 43
49 NATHAN, Joel James Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 43
50 SCARDAMAGLIA, Anthony Benjamin Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 43
51 SCHULTZ, Jacqueline Noelle Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 43
52 THOMPSON, Lily Mae Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 43
53 WANG, Shiyang Jack Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 43
54 WANG, Yunuo Maggie Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 43
55 CHESTER, Jacqueline Rose Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 42
56 GU, Hehe Heloise Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 42
57 ROBERTS, Kate Maria Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 42
58 BIRD, Cooper Andrew Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 41
59 GRECO, Mirella Lucy Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 41
60 HALL, Nicholas Graham Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 41
61 HUNTLEY, Daniel Jonathon Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 41
62 OGIER, Ella Helene Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 41
63 PETTS, Amy Tayla Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 41
64 PRATT, Lachlan James Matthew Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 41
65 REUS, Jasmine Alessandra Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 41
66 ROGERS, Ellie Kate Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 41
67 SULARKO, Annabelle Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 41
68 TAYLOR, Isaac James Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 41
69 TAYLOR, Zahra Jade Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 41
70 VAUGHAN, Connor Francis Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 41
71 YANG, Chun Yu Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 41
72 BENNETT, Melanie Rose Pascoe Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 40
73 BIDGOOD, David Neil Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 40
74 COUTTS, Max William Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 40
75 DYKSTRA, Taylor Lauren Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 40
76 GANJAVI, Aryan Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 40
77 HALL, Jonathan Jay Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 40
78 JIN, Peiyi Meroy Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 40
79 MARLOW, Ava Mae Hainslin Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 40
80 PALLIS, Thomas Jordan Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 40
81 SCOTT, Georgia May Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 40
82 SU, Jiayi Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 40
83 THOMAS, Alec Eyre Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood 1 40
Last Updated: 18 Dec 2018
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